Thursday, May 19, 2005

Lesson 7

Today was really painful on my poor index finger. It was a nice beat, but the new bol was something that needed a little more pressure and of course, in the right place.

Ti - A forceful note with the index finger right on the sur. No shai / no maidan. It has to be flat and non-resonant on the sur. It sounds something like 'chik' if you play it properly.

Dhi - Add a De to it and it becomes Dhi.

Compositions :

Dhi Ge Naa Naa Naa Ti
Ti Ge Naa Naa Dha Ti (notice the Dha instead of the Naa)

Dhi Ge Ne Naa Naa Ge
Ti Ge Ne Naa Naa Ge

Dhi Ge Naa Naa Ge Ne
Ti Ge Naa Naa Ge Ne

Dhi Ge Ne Tun Naa Ge
Ti Ge Ne Tun Naa Ge

Ti Ga Da Ne Naa Ge
Ti Ga Da Ne Tun Ne

The Ti and Dhi are quite difficult to play. I don't think I still have the the right sound and I didn't get enough time to practice this week.


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