Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Something about the driver

I've always been interested in music. It's not that I just woke up today and decided that I should learn the tabla. I used to learn the harmonium in school. I can still play melodies and simple songs. I just never learnt chords, etc which make today's songs sound so "full", if I may use that word. Anyway, the interest stuck. I enjoy listening to any kind of music - be it classical or hard rock. As long as it's good music, I'll listen to it. Lately, whenever listen to ragas, I see myself listening more to the beat than the actual composition. Even when I'm driving my car, I keep tapping on my steering (much to the chagrin of my wife). So finally I decided, let's learn how to play the beat properly. Well, actually I have had this in mind for the last 4 years now ... but just never got around to doing it.

So, I signed up for weekly classes by Shri Arshad Syed at the ICC in Milpitas and I'm all fired to go.


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